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Amir Hassan Cheheltan

Amir Hassan Cheheltan was born in 1956 in Tehran, Iran, and studied Electrical Engineering in England, during which time he began publishing collections of short stories. To date, Cheheltan has published ten novels, six volumes of short stories and a screenplay. Some of his works are banned in Iran and many of them are translated into English, German, Italian, Norwegian, Lithuanian, Arabic and Hebrew. His works in German: Teheran, Revolutionstrasse (novel), 2009 Amerikaner töten in Teheran (novel), 2011 Teheran, Stadt ohne Himmel (novel), 2012 Der Kalligraf von Isfahan (novel), 2015 Iranische Dämmerung (novel), 2015 Teheran Kiosk (non fiction), 2016 Teheran, Apokalypse (novel), 2018 Der Standhafte Papagei (docu fiction), 2018 Tehran trilogy was also published in paperback in 2018 Cheheltan also writes essays and feature articles in the Der Spiegel,Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Die Süddeutsche, Die Zeit, Reportagen and other international newspapers. He was a board member of “Iran Writers Association” between 2001-2004. He also supervises the creative writing workshop in Tehran. He lives with his family in Tehran but also lived in England, Italy, Los Angeles and Berlin.