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Liang Hong

Liang Hong, scholar and writer, professor at the Literature Department of Renmin University of China. Her literary career has spanned criticism, reportage, and fiction. She is known for her scholarly research on 20th century Chinese literature, but true fame came to her with the publication of two non-fiction books about her hometown: China in Liang Village (中国在梁庄, 2010, followed by Leaving Liang Village (出梁庄记, 2013), establishing Liang Hong’s reputation as a deft observer and chronicler of China’s changing society. She has published three works of literary criticism, Notes from the Outlying Provinces: 20th Century Literature in Henan (外省笔记:20世纪河南文学, 2008) and Diminishing Halo: The Evolution of Narrative in Contemporary Chinese Literature (“灵光”的消逝:当代文学叙事美学的嬗变, 2009). More recently she has published a collection of short stories, and her first novel, The Light of Liang Guangzheng (梁光正的光, 2017). Liang Hong has been the recipient of many awards and honors nationally.